Daily Archives: February 27, 2009


I’m still at the airport. My flight was supposed to leave at 5.30pm. Now after it’s FORTH delay.. We are supposed to leave at 7.35pm. I’m hoping that they don’t cancel it. I feel bad for my friend driving around Montreal with a 9 month old baby.

HESI Update: I didn’t get what I needed. Almost, but ultimately no. I scored 824 & I needed an 850. Everybody had to take the full 160 question test. I’m a little sad that I came up short.

Ta-ta for now.


Ahh… how time flies when you’re sick, burn your hand, studying for a test, etc…

It’s 6am now and “Angel” is on the TV in the other room (LOVE “Angel”) & I’m sitting here trying to figure out what to pack.

HESI exam is at 10am. They have given us 4 hours to take the exam. I still don’t know how many questions the thing has on it. I got 160 from one person and from another I got 235… So, who the heck knows….  I just need an 850 to pass this thing……

Then I’m taking the train to the airport & dutifully falling asleep at my gate until 5.15.

Have a good five days while I’m gone… Drink Tropicana!!!  🙂

Ta-ta for now.