Daily Archives: July 5, 2008

A little of everything..

1. Just got home from seeing “Hancock”.. I really enjoyed it…the only thing… Peter Berg’s directing.. sometimes leaves me a little dizzy…

2. I can’t believe it cost me more today to fill up in gas than to buy a pair of shoes. The shoes I just bought were $40. The gas that will last until next Saturday: $43.

3. I locked myself out of my house this morning. Seriously, probably the first time I’ve done that in 8  years. Thankfully, I have a wonderful friend who drove to my house at 6am to give me my extra set of keys… I managed to be only 10 minutes late to work.

4. Work. Oh. My. Gosh. So much for an easy Saturday… nope. I didn’t eat lunch until 2.30 this afternoon. I leave at 3.30. It was that crazy. Dansko clogs are working.. feet didn’t hurt all day and still don’t. My upper arm muscles got quite a workout today..  Oh… two interesting things (I don’t think I’m violating HIPPA here… if anyone is reading this and I am truly violating HIPPA or is it HIIPA or HIPAA—gosh, I can’t remember–please tell me and I’ll remove it) 1).. a patient’s husband tried to set me up with their son.. 2) another patient thought I was preggers. I asked her “Why, do I look pregnant?”.. she answered “Well, you have a large stomach.” I came back with the witty line “Well, let’s see if I help you back into bed!!!”  She cracked up after that..  (***author’s note: for all those people who don’t think I would help an elderly woman back into bed.. you are clearly mistaken… I helped her back into bed.)

Ok.. only 4 things tonight. I thought I had more.

Good night for now.

Oops.. forgot to wish Gina C. a Happy Birthday! July 5th. Hope it’s a good one.